A bracelet to kick bad habits

Spotted: Minnesota-based startup HabitAware has developed a smart bracelet that tracks body-focused repetitive behaviours (BFRB). BFRB includes nail-biting, skin-picking, thumb-sucking and hair-pulling.  Due to the high cost of therapy, treatment of BFRB is often exclusive to those that can afford it. The idea behind the creation of the bracelet, which is named Keen, was to…

By jrtrombold@gmail.com August 29, 2019 Off

Shanghai creates an interactive marketplace tailored to attract Generation Z shoppers

Spotted: Shanghai-based Xintiandi has turned two city blocks into an interactive marketplace. By doing so, Xintiandi Plaza aims to attract Generation Z-ers, the generation that is driving the demand for luxury brands in China. Xintiandi differs from other shopping centres because it strives to create connections, virtual and in person, the company says. For example,…

By jrtrombold@gmail.com August 29, 2019 Off

A toilet that diverts urine for fertiliser

Spotted: The European Ocean Observing System (EOOS), bathroom brand Laufen, and the Swiss water research institute (EAWAG) have collaborated to develop a toilet that diverts urine. By doing so, urine can be treated and used as fertiliser. The mechanism could also avoid pollution of the world’s rivers and oceans.  The design involves a “urine trap”,…

By jrtrombold@gmail.com August 28, 2019 Off

A sustainable, short-term rental platform

Spotted: Fairbnb is launching a platform for short-term rentals aimed at helping local communities. The platform plans to work with neighbourhoods to make short-term rentals sustainable.  Like Airbnb, Fairbnb is a virtual meeting place for hosts and guests to connect. Unlike Airbnb, the cooperative says that it is focused on sustainable tourism rather than profit. …

By jrtrombold@gmail.com August 27, 2019 Off

A ‘university’ for Instagram influencers

Spotted: American health startup Seed has established Seed University, which offers a 60-minute course to educate Instagram influencers on the science behind the products that they may endorse. An incident involving Kim Kardashian, who promoted an anti-nausea pill without informing her followers of its side effects, inspired Seed to develop this crash course.  To endorse…

By jrtrombold@gmail.com August 27, 2019 Off