Screen-monitoring app teaches children responsibility and family values

October 5, 2018 Off By

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Spending excessive time using technology can encourage anti-social behaviour and parents may often find it difficult to limit the time their children spend using technology. A new app called ourValues aims to teach children family values and how to manage their screen time.

Created by Australian enterprise 3 Chiefs, the ourValues app aims to create an environment where parents guide their child’s use of technology. Parents can choose the amount of time they wish their child to use devices each day. They can also decide on a set of responsibilities for their child to complete. Whether children complete the responsibilities assigned to them will determine if their screen time stays the same, increases or decreases. This reward system helps motivate children to collaborate with their parents and complete their daily responsibilities.

Parents can manage their child’s screen time from their own devices. They can also edit profile settings for their child at any time. Users can sync a single account with an unlimited amount of iOS or Android devices. For families with more than one child, the ourValues app lets users create customised profiles for each child. In addition, the app has two Android only features. These are device usage reports that give parents weekly insights, and the option to let children use certain apps without any time restrictions.

Other parenting innovations we have published here at Springwise include a smart thermometer that gives parents medical guidance. Another example is an app that sings babies to sleep using recordings of a parent’s voice.

Takeaway: Managing technology is important at a young age and ourValues has created a unique way to manage screen-time collaboratively while also encouraging better behaviour in children. What other parenting innovations can help improve communication between parents and children?

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Source: New feed 1